Sunday, 31 March 2013

Easter Sunday Submarine

A trip to Tillsonburg for a family gathering. Easter eggs and lots of friendly chatter. An interesting excursion to the small lakeside community of Port Burwell (1000 inhabitants) to see the  300 ft long glossy black submarine that they have acquired as their latest tourist attraction and focus for economic development. It cost overy 8 million dollars to bring the sub to it's final resting place and they are hoping for lots of visitors. Here is a link to more information about the project.

Friday, 29 March 2013

Good Friday Story 1

Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events that are apparently causally unrelated or unlikely to occur together by chance Story 1
It certainly is a good Friday as I woke up on day one of my six month journey. Sun shining and vestiges of melting snow.
I had a wonderful experience of the synchronicity that fascinates me as I  was getting  Euros at the bank yesterday. As Matthew, the personable young teller engaged me in a friendly conversation about my travel plans and his desire to travel as well, it emerged that he had origins in the UK. I shared with him my experience of living and working in England in the 1970's with special entry (no work permit needed) because of my British ancestors. It was a way that I could afford to travel ascould work at the same time. He was very interested in hearing about this possibility and said  that our meeting that day was "meant to be".
My thoughts: Matthew took the time out of a very busy day to show a genuine interest in his customer as a person and came away with previously unknown information that could change the course of his life.

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Bancroft Spring Day

Exploring a bit of Ontario at Baptiste Lake before heading off to Europe in just over a week. A deer on the road, wild turkeys in the woods and a walk on the frozen lake.